Celebrating our accelerator program alumni wins.

A big congratulation to some of our alumni’s of the Social Business Accelerator Program and members of the Social Entrepreneurship Forum for wining prizes from NSSF Hi-Innovator and Airtel Uganda.

Every Year, Capital Solutions graduates 70+ social business entrepreneurs who have been able to scale their businesses to fruition through the Social Business Accelerator program. This is a six months’ program that boosts social entrepreneurs at start up level to develop to scaling level using a 360-degree approach.

We build connections through the Social Entrepreneurship Forum that brings together social entrepreneurs in to a space where they create business referrals, partner for business growth, network, learn and share with a purpose of thriving.

Read more about these creative and innovative social entrepreneurs in Uganda.

Winner of UGX 15,000,000 from Airtel Uganda.

Benardette Ojao.

Benardette Ojao is the Founder & CEO of Wabibi Pads limited, a Menstrual Hygiene management company that produces reusable sanitary pads that lasts for 3 years as well as offer training to schools and organizations working with women and girls. They seek to address the problem of menstrual poverty through availing these pads thus keeping girls in school and giving women especially in the most affected areas period equity. Recently Wabibi Pads won shs15 million after participating in the ongoing Uganda Needs More of You campaign organized by Airtel Uganda. Bernadette is currently one of the participants in our 360WEN Accelerator program partnering with Mkazipreneur, with support from Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) and The United States Agency for International Development (USAID).


Winners of $20,000 from NSSF Hi- Innovator program during the pitch day event among other 72 business.

Cerinah Kasirye.

Cerinah Kasirye

Cerinah Kasirye is a fashion designer and CEO of Trillion Looks Store. This is an African Art and fashion store focused on promoting Ugandan fashion products across the globe. Cerinah is our 2020 Social Business Accelerator program Alumni and a member of the Social Entrepreneurship Forum. Her business works with a team of Ugandan Fashion designers who design and stitch these products together to give one an elegant and classy look. Through use of Fair Trade Practices, Trillion Looks Store aims to eradicate poverty and offer descent employment to the youth and women in the fashion industry.


George Itiamat.

George Itiamat

George Itiamat is the Founder & Executive Director of TECOMA (Teso Enterprise Consulting and Marketing Association). TECOMA is a company limited by guarantee and a local (Ugandan) not-for-profit Non-Government Organization (NGO) aiming at improving Health, Nutrition and WASH, Food security and community livelihoods, Environment and Climate Change and Partnerships and Institutional sustainability for the improvement of the livelihood of the rural communities. TECOMA is dedicated to working with men, women, youth and children among the rural households to enhance the improvement of their socio-economic. George is an Alumni of 2021 Social Business Accelerator Program and a member of the Social Entrepreneurship Forum.


Betty Bukirwa Okello & Alex Okello

Betty BukirwaOkello Alex

Betty Bukirwa Okello is the Founder & Managing Director St Eliza Health Care Services Ltd and Alex Okello is a Co-Founder. Both Alex and Betty are Alumni of our Social Business Accelerator Programme 2021 and members of the Social entrepreneurship forum. St Eliza Health care provides access to quality, safe, professional and affordable health care services within Gayaza communities, Wakiso, Uganda. With main focus on children, women and older persons. They provide regular trainings to help them update their knowledge and serve clients better.


Linnet Akol

Linnet Akol

Linnet Akol is the Co-founder and Managing Director of Krystal Ice Limited (KIL), a social enterprise established to address the problem of food waste and post-harvest losses through fruit processing to make frozen treats called icepops which have increased the shelf life of fruits and increased availability of perishable products on the shelves. KIL empowers smallholder farmer groups economically through provision of market for their fruits which we use as our raw materials. Linnet is an Alumni of the Social Business Accelerator programme 2021.


Therefore, we are pleased to support these exemplary social entrepreneurs and the thousands of other social enterprises as they continue to create a global community able to respond quickly and effectively to pressing societal challenges.



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